Richards Media Net is a company that specializes in helping you, your company, or your organization take advantage of Internet delivered media to deliver your message!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Engagement Depth - The Golden Ratio of Media Engagement

(C) 2009 - Aaron L. Richards - All Rights Reserved.

This past weekend I developed a metric for media engagement. It is called "Engagement Depth" - The Golden Ratio of Media Engagement. It provides a means of comparing the engagement of a companies' clients with the media delivered through the Web, radio and television. Because it is a ratio, it allows the comparison of media consumption on websites with varying amounts of traffic. You can compare the Engagement Depth of a company with 1000 hits/month to the Engagement Depth of a site with millions of hits.

The essence of the calculations brings out the aggregate consumption of time-based media such as video, audio or other temporally-based content. Currently I am visualizing the development of video and audio players compatible with Flash and SilverLight for distribution to media content providers which facilitate the gathering of data to not only calculate the Engagement Depth ratio, but to provide the analytics and data visualization tools for clients interested in the benefits of using advanced metrics for market targeting, analysis and comparative rankings.



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