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Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Virtual to Real Workflow with Future Visio Tools

In the near future, I expect that tools such as Microsoft’s Visio (Microsoft, 2017a) will be able to create workflows of automated equipment.  Not just virtual representations of workflow, but actually send instructions to knowledge-worker software and manufacturing systems to configure them on the fly and immediately start creating product.  

I envision this working with 3D printer farms, robots, and automated finishing equipment, all of which could be mobile on a factory floor such that a workflow could be created in Visio or a Visio-like tool, hit a “Create” button, and the equipment on the factory floor moves itself into position for an optimal workflow with robots, 3D printers, inventory, and finishing equipment to facilitate the production of both small and large quantity manufacturing.  

Workflow would not be limited to manufacturing equipment, but could apply to knowledge worker processes as well.  Nodes for engineering work, graphic design, 3D simulations, marketing, fund-raising and other functionality could be tied in.