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Friday, September 25, 2009

Pyro-Dinos Coexisted With Mankind

Portions (C) 1995 American Century Dictionary and (C) 1984 NIV Bible. All other text (C) 2009 Aaron L. Richards, All Rights Reserved.
Yes - you read that right! Fire-breathing dinosaurs not only existed, they coexisted with mankind. How do I know this? The world's greatest history book has a couple of chapters discussing this scenario. In other words, I know because the Bible tells me so! Where? Take a look at the NIV version of the bible, Job 40:15 which states "Look at the behemoth, [...] which feeds on grass like an ox. (16)What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly! (17)His tail sways like a cedar; [...] (21)Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh... (23)When the river rages he is not alarmed; he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth. (24)Can anyone capture him by the eyes, or trap him and pierce his nose?" (1984, NIV).

The verses above tell us of a number of attributes which identify this creature. First of all the name of the creature - "behemoth" - which the American Century Dictionary (1995) defines as a "huge creature or thing." We know from fossils that some dinosaurs were huge creatures. We know from studies of fossils that some dinosaurs fed on grass and vegetation which corresponds to Job 40:15, this creature "[...] which feeds on grass like an ox."

The biblical passage also refer to the behemoth having "strength" and "power." Here is the kicker, "His tail sways like a cedar;" Job 40:17 (1984, NIV). If you think of dinosaurs, specifically the brontosaurus, it had a long, thick tail. This is in conflict with the footnotes in the NIV which suggest that the behemoth is "possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant (1984, NIV, Job 40). When the bible mentions "cedar" in other books of the bible it does not mean sprouts or saplings, it refers to well developed or majestic tree trunks (1984, NIV) not the relatively small fly-swatting tails of an elephant or hippo.

Here is another key point - the behemoth in the bible "(21) Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh" (1984, NIV, Job 40:21).

When I was in grades K-12 the understanding of the brontosaurus is that it lived in and ate of vegetation in marshes and swamps. The behemoth is said to be " though the Jordan should surge against his mouth" (1984, NIV, 40:23). The brontosaurus as an extremely substantial animal would live unbothered by the torrents of the Jordan.

Job 40:24 makes an interesting remark, "Can anyone capture him by the eyes, or trap him and pierce his nose?" (1984, NIV). I'll leave answering this question as an exercise for the reader!

Let us look at another one of God's creations described in Job. Job 41:1 reads "Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope?" (1984, NIV). Job 41:7 states "Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?" (1984, NIV, Job 41:8). If you lay a hand on him you will remember the struggle and never do it again!" (1984, NIV).

Job 41:15 "His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together;" (1984, NIV). Job 41:19 "Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. (20)Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds. (21)His breath sets coals ablaze and flames dart from his mouth..." (1984, NIV).

Going back to the American Century Dictionary, we see that the word "leviathan" in Job 41:1 is defined as a: "Sea monster" or "anything large and powerful" (1995). OK, sounds like a dinosaur so far...

Next in Job 41:7 the Lord questions Job as to the ability to inflict damage on the leviathan with harpoons or fishing spears (1984, NIV). The footnotes in the NIV sugest the leviathan is a crocodile. I don't think crocodiles are impervious to harpoos or fishing spears, but then I've never tried to use a spear against a crocodile. Let us continue and see where this leads us...

Job 41:15 states "His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; (16) each is so close to the next that no air can pass between" (1984, NIV).

Hmmm... Sounds like a stegosaurus to me. Now we are getting to the really cool stuff!

Job 41:19 illustrates an amazing biological ability - "Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. (20) Smoke pours out from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds. (21) His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth" (1984, NIV).

A substantial amount of text is dedicated to expressing the pyrotechnic abilities of our stegosaurus. You may think we are looking at a dragon, the "fictional" beast of ancient times; think about it, what is a dragon but a fire-breathing dinosaur?

How can this be? Let me propose a couple of possibilities. Like the methane producing cows who today are blamed for global warming, the stegosaurus may have produced methane gas as a result of its digestive organs processing food. As an alternative to flatulence it may have exausted this flammable gas through its nostrils and mouth. My only experience with the flammability of the gases resulting from digestive processes are the second-hand stories I've heard in the public school system where


I heard that students placed a match or a lighter behind the bottom of a student who consequently passed gas. The result, depending on who I head tell the tale was either as subtle as the flame turning blue for a moment, to a combustion resulting in a burn through the gas-passer's pants.

Perhaps the stegosaurus had an organ - a bladder dedicated to the storage of methane or other flammable gases resulting from digestive processes.

A second possibility is that bacteria or other components in the digestive process of our stegosaurus enabled fermentation to occur whereby the resulting alcohol once again was stored in an organ, perhaps a bladder of some type, able to be ejected though the mouth or nostrils of our stegosaurus.

I have to admit, igniting the gas or alcohol when ejected from our pyro-dino stumps me. Perhaps a paleontologist, archeologist or anthropologist who has studied dinosaur fossils and remains has an answer. If pushed into guessing, I would offer something like sparking teeth or maybe a chemical ignition with stomach acid or something similar. Hey - Send me your best guess!

Here is the moment of truth. How do I know our brontosaurus and stegosaurus coexisted with mankind? I know because the bible tells me so. Job 40:15 "Look at the behometh, *which I made along with you...*" (1984, NIV). (Emphasis mine). BOOM!

An additional proof, albeit more subtle is the fact that the Lord is mentioning these creatures as the Lord addresses Job (1984, NIV). If Job had no experience or understanding of these creatures, Job would have had a difficult time relating to or understanding the power of God through these creatures.

I was quite surprised when the Lord led me to the revelation a few years ago that fire-breathing dinosaurs coexisted with mankind. I am amazed that I had not been taught this in school. When I read Job, the Lord opened my eyes and allowed me to understand that which may not be clear to others.

A bible verse I've read recently which applies to a number of revelations coming to me states this: Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you, telling you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (1984, NIV).

Praise be to God!
