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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

MS Competitors Nullify the Gates Advantage

I was writing a note to a friend of mine who is a Microsoft mouthpiece. He quickly went to work spewing the party line in reponse. Unfortunately that is exactly what Microsoft DOESN'T need - to put on the blinders. Here is my wakeup call to those interested in Microsoft's future.

"The only reason you understate your interest in the mobile market is because Apple is kicking Microsoft's poorly performing butt. Look at Google Trends and compare iPhone to Windows Mobile. If you dare!

In looking at Microsoft over the past 3 years, I would have to say that Microsoft's enemies have nullified the Gates advantage by taking out Gates interest in technology through legal attacks.

With ongoing legal attacks withering Gates' interest in the company, Microsoft has gone from an innovator within its top ranks to a protector of the status quo and a me-too company, which will be its downfall. I hope that Gates will wake-up to this tactic, become recharged, and once-again drive innovation through the ranks of Microsoft."

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